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Welcome to your safe space. I am so glad that you are here.

"A woman who heals herself, heals her mother, heals her daughter, heals every woman around her."
Hello there! I'm Mel.
I am passionate about women’s mental health and wellbeing. So many women suffer in silence and think their struggles don’t matter. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, low self-esteem, body image, disordered eating, or trying to heal from traumatic experiences, I am here to support you on your journey. I believe when a woman tells her story in a safe and affirming space, deep transformation begins to take place. I am a heart centered practitioner and working with me might feel a little bit different. I believe therapy should be warm, connecting, and wildly empowering. In our work together you will feel seen, heard and valued in ways you’ve always deserved.
Experience you can count on
8+ Years of University Training
7000+ Direct Client Hours
10+ Years of Clinical Experience
5,000+ Hours of Additional Training
My Services
With You Every Step of The Way.
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