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Clinical Supervision

A warm, welcoming and affirming space for practitioners

Supervision for the whole person. Not just the therapist. I am a holistic supervisor meaning that I view my supervisees as whole people, not just a therapist. I love holding space to explore about what it means to be a therapist and how this can really shift how we show up in the world. 

My goal as a supervisor is to create a warm and grounded space where you can feel safe reflecting on your practice and processing challenging situations. At the core of my supervisory practice I am responsive to your needs as a supervisee and I really honour the flow of a supervision session. 

My role as supervisor does not stop once the supervision session ends. I am available and accessible to all of my supervisees in between sessions. I offer flexi-scheduling and always keep space for emergency supervision sessions. 

Please note all supervision is delivered via Zoom.

Image by Christin Hume

©2024 by Holistic Counselling for Women

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